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Literary Contributions of select list of Tamil Scholars from Overseas
Arden, Albert Henry
Literary Contributions of select list of Tamil Scholars from Overseas
Arden, Albert Henry
- A progressive grammar of the Tamil language revised by A.C. Clayton. 5th ed. Madras : Christian Literature Society, 1942; reprinted 1976
- Arden, A.H.: A progressive grammar of the Telugu language. [4th ed. Madras] Christian Literature Society [c1937, 1975 printing].
- Arden, Albert Henry: A companion reader to Arden's progressive tamil grammar: Madras : Society for promoting Christian knowledge, 1914-
Beschi, Constantino Giuseppe (1680 - 1747), a Jesuit priest,
Author of many Tamil literary works: 'kotuntamizh ilakkanam' (a work of tamil grammar), 'paramathma kuruvin kathai' (a piece of prose fiction), a Tamil-Latin dictionary, centhamizh ilakkanam (a grammatical work in Latin), 'Vaaman cariththiram' (a text book), 'tonnul vilakkam'; caturakaraathi, a tamil lexicon, 'veda vilakkam' (a prose), 'pethakamaruththal', vEthiyar ozhukkam'- Beschi, C.G: A grammar of the high dialect of the Tamil language called centamil, translated from the original latin by Benjamin Guy Babington. Thanjavur : Tanjore Maharaja Serfoji's Sarasvati Mahal Library, 1974.
- Beschi, C.G.: The adventures of Gooroo Paramartan: a tale in the Tamul language: accompanied by a translation and vocabulary, together with an analysis of the first story. By Benjamin Babington. London, J.M. Richardson, 1822; Reprint Cleveland : The Clerk's Press, 1916
- Beschi, C.G.: Tirukkavalurk kalampakam : mulamum uraiyum, uraiyaciriyar Rampola Maskaranes. Tiruccirappalli : Tamizh Ilakkiyak Kazhakam, 1977.
- Beschi, C.G.: Tirukkural, Viramamunivar urai, potuppatippaciriyar Cu. Innaci ; patippaciriyar Es. Cauntarapantiyan., Cen_nai : Cennaip Palkalaik Kazhakam, 1985.
- Beschi, C G.: Tiruppatalkal. 1972.
- Beschi, C.G.: thEn cottum thEmpavanic colai, 1962.
- Beschi, C G.: Virama Munivar aruliya Tempavani, 1st ed., 1965.
- Beschi, C G.: Viramamunivar aruliya caturakarati : ayvup patippu , patippaciriyar Cu Innaci.: Palaiyankottai : Viramamu_nivar Ayvuk Ka_lakam, 1979, 1st ed.< br>
- Beschi, C G: Viramamunivar iyarriya Citteriyammal ammanai, Kurippurai Iraikkuruvanar ; anitturai Rampola Maskarenacu., Cennai : Tirunelveli Thenninthiya Caiva Ciththanta Nurpatippuk Kazhakam, 1977.
- Beschi, C G: Viramamunivar iyarriya Kitteriyammal ammanai. Madras, 1977.
Caldwell, Robert (1814-1891)
scholar of comparative study of dravidian languages, author of 'A comparative grammar of Dravidian Languages (1856)- Caldwell, R,: A comparative grammar of the Dravidian, or, South-Indian family of languages, London : Harrison, 1856.; Reprinted London, K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & co., ltd., 1913.
- Caldwell, R: A comparative grammar of the Dravidian or South-Indian family of languages, 3d ed. rev. and edited by J.L. Wyatt and T. Ramakrishna Pillai. Madras, University of Madras, 1961.
Danielou, Alain (1907-1994)
A French national who spent many years in India discovering indian culture (language, music,...) and authored many works including translations of the epics cilappathikaaram and manimekalai.- Danielou, A.: Shilappadikâram, The Ankle Bracelet, of Ilanko Adikal, Translation from the Tamil with the collaboration of R.S. Desikan New Directions, New York, 1965; Penguin Classics, India, 1993
- Danielou, A.: Manimekhalai, The Dancer with the Magic Bowl, Translated from the Tamil with the collaboration of T.V. Gopala Iyer, New directions New York, 1989
- Danielou, A.: The Way to the Labyrinth, Memories from east and west, New York: New Directions, 1987
- Danielou, A.: Virtue, Success, Pleasure and Liberation, Traditional India's social structures, Rochester, NY: Inner Traditions International, 1993
- Danielou, A.: The Myths and Gods of India: Rochester, NY: Inner Traditions International, 1991
- Danielou, A.: While the Gods play, : Rochester, NY: Inner Traditions International, 1987
- Danielou, A.: Fools of God, Translation of one of the Tales from the Ganges, Hanuman Books, Madras and New York 1988
Fabricius, Johann Philip (1711-1791)
authored tamil translation of Old Testament 'CaththiyavEda pusthakam', also New Testament translation in Tamil and a 'Malabar-English Dictionary' (in association with JC Breithaupt).- Fabricius, J P.: A dictionary, Tamil and English, based on Johann Philip Fabricius's "Malabar-English dictionary". 3d ed., rev. and enl. Tranquebar, Evangelical Lutheran Mission Publishing House, 1910,1933.
- J. P. Fabricius's Tamil and English dictionary. Based on Johann Philip Fabricius's Malabar-English dictionary. 4th ed., rev. and enl. Tranquebar, Evangelical Lutheran Mission Pub. House, 1972.
Henriques, Padre Henrique (1520-1600)
Portugese Missionary, author of first Tamil-Portugese Dictionary, first to set up a tamil press and print books in tamil script; printed 'thambiran vaNakkam' (1578), 'krichittiyaaNi vaNakkam' (1579), and Flos Sanctorum (1586)Hooper, John Stirling Morley
- Hymns of the Alvars by J. S. M. Hooper ... Calcutta, Association Press; London, New York [etc.] Oxford University Press, 1929.
Jensen, Herman (1842 - )
- Jensen, H., Rev.: A classified collection of Tamil proverbs , Madras : Methodist Episcopal Publ. House ; London : Trubner, 1897.; Reprinted New Delhi : Asian Educational Services, 1982
- Jensen, H: A dictionary of Tamil proverbs, Delhi, India : Mittal Publications, 1988.
- Jensen, H: A practical Tamil reading book for European beginners, Madras : Memorial Press, 1882.
Lap, M.A
- Lap, M.A.: Vocabulaire tamoul francais : contenant les mots tamouls d'un usage plus frequent, avec leurs sens francais les plus usites, New Delhi : Asian Educational Services, 1984.
Lazarus, John
- Lazarus, J.: Tamil grammar : designed for use in colleges and schools , Madras : Printed by Addison, 1878.
- Lazarus, John, Rev.: A dictionary of Tamil proverbs : with an introduction and hints in English on their meaning and application , New Delhi : Asian Educational Services, 1991.
Murdoch, John (1819-1904)
- Murdoch, J.: Classified catalogue of Tamil printed books. With introductory notices., Compiled by John Murdoch., Edited by M. Shanmukham, Reprinted with a number of appendices & supplement. [Madras] Tamil Development and Research Council, Govt. of Tamilnad [1968].
- Murdoch, J: Indian missionary manual : hints to young missionaries in India, 4th ed., rev. and enl. London : J. Nisbet, 1895.
- Murdoch, J.: Caste : its supposed origin: its history; its effects : the duty of government, Hindus, and Christians with respect to it; and its prospects. 3d ed. London ; Madras : Christian literature society for India, 1896.
- Murdoch, J: The Mahabharata : an English abridgment with introduction, notes, and review, New Delhi : Asian Educational Services,1987.
- Murdoch, J: The religious history of India : for educated Hindus / compiled from Monier-Willimas, Max Muller, Muir...& other writers by John Murdoch. London ; Madras : Christian Literature Society for India, 1900.
- Murdoch, J: Review of caste in India : a compilation of the ideas of leading thinkers, viz. Muir, Max Muller, Sherring, Wilson, Monier Williams, and Cornish; with a new introd. by K. L. Sharma. Jaipur : Rawat Publications, 1977.
de Nobili, Robert (1577 - 1656)
Italian jesuit priest (aka thathuva pothakar ), author of 'nanopathecam', 'aathma nirunyam', 'anna nivaranam' and 'thivviyamanthirikai'Percival, Peter
Christian Missionary who compiled numerous tamil proverbs (ca. 5000) in tamil and also translated the aphorisms of auvaiyar into English.- Percival, Peter, Tamil proberbs with their English translation, containing upwards of six thousand proverbs. Madras, Rigginbotham; London, H. S. King, 1877.
- Percival, P, Percival's Tamil-English dictionary = Tamil-Ankila akarati, AES reprint. New Delhi : Asian Educational Services, 1993.
Pope, George Uglow (1820-1908)
Missionary of british origin, translated thirukural, thiruvaachagam and naaladiyaar into English, commentary on cilappathikaram, manimekalai and thEvAram; author of 'Tamil Poetical Anthology with grammatical notes and a vocabulary'.- Pope, G. U.: A compendious Tamil English dictionary, 7th ed. New Delhi : J. Jetley for Asian Educational Services, 1981.
- Pope, G. U.: A hand-book of the ordinary dialect of the Tamil language : In three parts, London : W.H. Allen & Co., 1883; 7th ed. Oxford, Clarendon press, 1911, 1926 printing.
- Pope, G. U.: A handbook of the Tamil language / G. U. Pope. 7th ed. New Delhi : Asian Educational Services, 1979, 1981
- Pope, G. U.: A handbook of the Tamil language : a Tamil prose reader. New Delhi : Marwah, 1982.
- Pope, G. U. : A handbook of the Tamil languages : a compendius Tamil-English dictionary, 7th ed. New Delhi : Asian Educational Services, 1981.
- Pope, G. U.: A Tamil prose reader : a handbook of the Tamil language, New Delhi : Marwah Publications, 1982.
- Pope, G. U.: Tamil heroic poems, translations, 1st ed. Madras : South India Saiva Siddhanta Works Pub. Society, Tinnevelly, 1973.
- Pope, G. U.: Tiru-valluvar -The 'Sacred' Kurral of Tiruvalluva-Nayanar / With introduction, grammar, translation, notes (in which are reprinted C.J. Beschi's and F.W. Ellis' versions) lexicon and concordance by the Rev. G.U. Pope. London : W. H. Allen & co., 1886.
- Pope, G.U.: The Tiruvacagam, or, Sacred utterances of the Tamil poet, saint, and sage Manikka-Vacagar : the Tamil text of the fifty-one poems, with English translation, introductions, and notes : to which is prefixed a summary... Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1900.
- Pope, G.U.: The Naladiyar, or, Four hundred quatrains in Tamil / with introduction, translation, and notes, critical, philological, and explanatory, to which is added a concordance and lexicon [by] Rev. G.U. Pope. New Delhi : Asian Educational Services, 1984.
- Pope, G.U.: Manikkavacakar aruliya Tiruvacakam. 1970. Series title: Madras University Tamil Department publication series ; 27.
- A catalogue of the Tamil books in the library of the British museum, compiled by L. D. Barnett, and the late G. U. Pope, D.D. Printed by order of the Trustees of the British museum. London, British museum [etc.] 1909.
- Pope, G. U. : A hand-book of the ordinary dialect of the Tamil language : In three parts, London : W.H. Allen & Co., 1883.; Reprint 7th ed. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1906, 1911, 1926
- Pope, G. U: Longman's school history of India, by the Rev. G.U. Pope ... London, New York, Longmans, Green, and co., 1892.
- Pope, G. U. : Pope's third Tamil grammar ... 2nd ed. Madras : P.R. Hunt, 1858-1859.
- Pope, G. U.: A Tamil hand-book : or, full introduction to the common dialect of that language, on the plan of Ollendorf and Arnold : for the use of foreigners learning Tamil, and of Tamulians learning English : with... 2nd ed Madras : P.R. Hunt, 1859.
Rhenius, Charles Theophilus Ewald (1790-1838)
- Rhenius, C T E. Rev.: A grammar of the Tamil language, with an appendix., 3d ed. Madras, Printed for the proprietor, by P.R. Hunt, American mission press, 1853.
Schomerus, Hilko Wiardo (1879- )
- Schomerus, H W.: Der Caiva-Siddhanta / H. W. Schomerus. New York : Garland Pub., 1980.; Series title: Oriental religions 9.
- Schomerus, H W.: Arunantis Sivajnasiddhiyar : die Erlangung des Wissens um Siva oder um die Erlosung / unter Beifugung einer Einleitung und Meykantadevas Sivajnanabodha aus dem Tamil ubersetzt und kommentiert, Wiesbaden :Steiner, 1981.
- Schomerus, H.W.: Indische erlosungslehren; ihre bedeutung fur das verstandnis des christentums und fur die missionspredigt, von lic. theol. , Leipzig, J.C. Hinrichs'sche buchhandlung, 1919.; Series title: Sachsische forschungs-institute in Leipzig.
- Schomerus, H W.: Sivaitische Heiligenlegenden : (Periyapurana und Tiruvatavurar-purana) , aus dem Tamil ubersetzt,Jena : E. Diederichs, 1925.; Series title: His Texte zur Gottesmystik des Hinduismus ; Bd. 2.
Vinson, Julian (1843-1926)
French national, wrote tamil grammar in french, translated UVS's edition of 'civakacinthaamani' into french and also part of 'thirukural'.- Vinson, Julien: Manuel de la langue tamoule (grammaire, textes, vocabulaire): Paris Imprimerie nationale, E. Leroux, editeur, 1903; Reprinted New Delhi : Asian Educational Services, 1986.
- Vinson, Julien : Le verbe dans les langues dravidiennes : tamoul, canara, telinga, malayala, tulu, etc., Paris : Maisonneuve et cie, 1878.
- Vinson, Julien: Les religions actuelles, leurs doctrines, leur evolution, leur histoire,: Paris, A. Delahaye et E. Lecrosnier, 1888.
Winslow, Miron (1789-1864)
Author of 'A comprehensive Tamil and English Dictionary of High and Low Tamil', a corpus of 67000 words published in 1862.- Winslow, Miron, Rev. (assisted by competent native scholars: in part from manuscript materials of the late Rev. Joseph Knight, and others.) :A comprehensive Tamil and English dictionary of high and low Tamil, Madras : P.R. Hunt, American Mission Press, 1862.
- Winslow, Miron,: Tamil-English dictionary, Reprint of 1862 edition/ ed. by Klaus Ludwig Janert. Wiesbaden : Steiner, 1977.
- Winslow's English and Tamil dictionary = [Vinculovin Ankila-Tamil akarati by Rev. Winslow, L. Spaulding, revised, enlarged & romanized by C. Appaswamy Pillai, 3rd ed. New Delhi : Asian Educational Services, 1989.
- Winslow, Miron,: A sketch of missions, or, History of the principal attempts to propagate Christianity among the heathen / by Miron Winslow. Andover, Mass. : Flagg and Gould, 1819.
Ziegenbalg, Bartholomaeus (1683 - 1719)
German missionary, compiled 'Malabar Dictionary' of ca. 40000 words, translated New Testament, compiled a poetical dictionary 'Lexicon Poeticum' a poetical dictionary of 17000 words.- Ziegenbalg, B: Genealogy of the South-Indian gods : a manual of the mythology and religion of the people of southern India, including a description of popular Hinduism, published in Madras : Higginbotham, 1869; Reprinted with notes and additions..,New Delhi : Unity Book Service, 1984.
- Ziegenbalg, B: Grammatica damulica von Bartholomaeus Ziegenbalg, herausgegeben von Burchard Brentjes und Karl Gallus. Halle : Martin-Luther-Universitat Halle-Wittenberg, c1985.
- Ziegenbalg, Bartholomaeus: Alte Briefe aus Indien : unveroffentlichte Briefe; hrsg. von Arno Lehmann. Berlin : Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, [1957].